Morning Brain

Mar 28, 2025

Have you ever left home without your purse, wallet, or backpack? Of course you have—nobody escapes morning brain forever. My mother had a fix for that. She’d say, “Always, always keep $20 ‘mad money’ tucked in your glove box or center console, just in case.” Smart woman. Fast forward to real life: I’m 136 miles from home, gas tank hovering below an eighth, craving a hot cup of tea. I pull over to fuel up and grab one—then realize my wallet’s missing. Panic hits. I mentally retrace my steps and picture it: my purse, sitting pretty on the kitchen island, exactly where I left it, 136 miles away.

Earlier that day, I’d gone to the hospital to visit a brand-new patient in the ICU. I met with staff, social workers, and doctors, doing my thing. But as I’m getting ready to leave, I’m stuck—no cash, no cards. Mortified, I spill my sob story to a kind-looking floor nurse I’ve only known for 30 minutes. Swallowing my pride, I ask her for help. This near-stranger smiles, hands me a $20 bill, and says, “Pay it forward.” I thank her a dozen times, feeling like an idiot but grateful. As I turn to go, she stops me with the most interesting line: “You know, my mother used to say…”

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